Saturday 8 August 2015

DIE! Episode 3

Bimpe was praying alone in the church building when her eyes suddenly caught a girl of about twenty years of age running desperately towards the church toilet. She could have decided to overlook the scenario, but the girl seemed helpless as she held her stomach tightly while she ran. Bimpe was reluctant as first, but within seconds, she firmed her decision to rescue and so she hurried after the girl.
On getting to the toilet, it was already locked from inside, Bimpe knocked and banged the door hard but the lady inside wasn't willing to open up. She peeped through the key hole and saw the lady kneeling and sobbing over the Water Closet, Bimpe could hardly hear what she was saying until she placed her ear very close to the door.
"I don't want to die! God please help me. . . please. . .I don't want to die"
Bimpe hit the door forcefully again and again, "You won't die! Just open up!" She peeped to see if the girl made any attempt to obey but she appeared not to hear what she was saying, Bimpe kicked at the door hard and shouted even louder, "Open up for Chris'sake!"
When Bimpe was finally had to admit that the girl was either too weak to open or too reluctant, she ran into the church to look for any object with which she could break the wooden door open.
Seeing none, she headed straight towards the missionary house which was attached to the Church. The entrance was wide open (it couldn't have been locked, since the girl ran out through it). Bimpe hurried straight ahead.
Bimpe entered the sitting room first, she looked around desperately for any object that she could use, her eyes spontaneously travelled over the furniture, she scrutinized it all in case there was any useable object lurking in between them, but there was none. Towards the extreme right corner of the sitting room, just beside a family picture, Bimpe sighted a very useful plank; it would have worked very fine if not that it had been nailed to another wood to carry a crucified carving of a man. Bimpe shove off the thought of breaking loose the crucifix for the mission she was engaging in.
She headed into the other rooms in the house; as she walked in, she thought she heard two very quiet sounds – sounds like voices. But her urgent mission did not give room for that. Bimpe widened the first door by her right – it was ajar and easy to access. It was dark at first, but the dim ray of sunlight that reflected through the curtains revealed where the switch was and Bimpe flicked it on to illuminate the room.
With eyes opened determinedly to see anything useful; anything strong and big enough to break the toilet door, Bimpe scanned the room desperately. Suddenly, her eyes fell on two bottles on the floor; the bottles couldn't break the door but they could seal that mission forever. The two blue plastic bottles seemed to be smiling and dancing devilishly, mocking her effort.
Two  bottles of freshly opened JIK; one half empty, the other completely empty – both telling Bimpe that there was nothing she could do to save the girl, so putting the pictures together, nobody needed to tell Bimpe that the girl had consumed one and almost half  bottles of JIK.
Reviving from that shock, Bimpe saw the need to be more urgent with whatever rescue method she was going to offer. In that instance, she concluded that there was nothing relatively useful to that effect in the room and without turning the light back off, she left for the next room.
She was about to open the door that appeared to be locked when she was distracted by the sounds from an opposite room; she needed no confirmation to know that the sound was not the chirping and squeaking of rats but of two ecstatic humans. Bimpe turned around and barged into the room where the voices were emanating without knocking.
Bimpe was hoping to gather a rescue team from the room in the missionary house, but what she was about to get would be the shock of her life.
Under a heavy blanket that seemed to be dancing when Bimpe entered, two bodies were flowing in one rhythm that seemed only strange at first sight. Bimpe stared blankly, she could not put the pictures here together until the blanket flung itself over and two naked bodies covered their bodies in shame with their hands when they saw her. The lady under the blanket was a complete stranger to Bimpe, but the young man beside her, whose mouth was now aghast, was Pastor Joel's only son – Marcus!
Miles away, Joel was smiling at his wife in his new Golf 3 when Adamson called. Seeing Adamson's name on his phone made Joel grimace for a half second, but the expression faded so as not to raise suspicion from his wife who was sitting right beside him.
"Yes bro. . . Of course. . . So true. . . hahahahaha. . . hahahaha. . . feel free. . . it's a pleasure. . .oh anytime. . . I'm driving now, I'll call you later."
When the call ended, a frown crossed Joel's face again but he defeated it reluctantly with a plastic smile.
"Honey, who was that?" Mabel chirped, her voice and curiosity intensified her husband's anger altogether but he did well in not showing it.
"Adamson." His reply was cold, he drove right past a traffic light that showed bright red light.
"Oh my gosh! Dear, did you just disobey the traffic? What's wrong?!" There was a quiet moment before Mabel spoke again, "Did your brother say anything disturbing?"
Joel sniffed hard, "He said they'd be coming to pick their child soon."
"Ooh, poor Benedicta, she has been a very good darling. I'll so miss her".
Joel smiled and nodded, "They'll come for her next tomorrow". His heart reflected upon the delicious event of the night. 'If only Adamson knew that his daughter had just started being a real good girl, and this is the wrongest time to come for her.' Joel thought.
Joel and his wife were on their way to an eatery, it was February 14 – Valentine's day! and they needed to enjoy the season.
Sent from my BlackBerry wireless device from MTN

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